The Cure for Four Bad Driving Habits

Four bad habits your autonomous battery-powered electric vehicle won’t have. Texting while driving, driving distracted Driving drunk or high Falling asleep while driving Speeding, reckless driving Think about it! It’s much safer to be in an autonomous vehicle!! For more on this subject, read for my blog: “Who – or What – Will Be Driving […]
Battery-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging: A Primer (Part 3)

In this series of seven blogs, we will cover the information you need to know about charging battery powered electric vehicles (EVs). To make the topic easier to digest, we have broken it into seven short blogs, namely: Part 1 – Battery and battery charging basics Part 2 – Battery performance measures Part 3 – […]
Buying a Tesla Call Option

Galileo Russell is one of the very best YouTube broadcasters with his Hyperchange channel. While Gali, as he goes by, is a brilliant all-around analyst and fan of all things technological, he is perhaps best known for his passionate enthusiasm about Tesla’s products and business strategy. His show is called Hyperchange. The only reason I […]
Detroit’s Big 3 on the Precipice…….Again: (Part 1)

How Desperation Stimulates Short-term Rational Thinking…. and Long-term Demise NOTE: This blog was written in the first two weeks of April, 2020. As such, it cannot and does not anticipate the full effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the US and global auto industry. Stay tuned….. In this series of eleven blogs, we will discuss […]
Who – or What – Will Be Driving Miss Daisy?

Here’s a joke for today that will evolve toward widespread recognition as truth in ten years or less: “We must have been crazy to let humans drive cars!” Let’s consider Tesla’s Autopilot that became available in January 2017 and standard since April 2019, and the ever-increasing sophistication of Tesla’s Autopilot and growing Full Self-Driving (FSD) […]
Solar Power Overpowers the Globe’s Fusion Reactor Boondoggle

Since the dawn of the nuclear age some eight decades ago, scientists have been chasing the dream of a fusion reactor – – a nuclear reactor that once started creates its own fuel and thus theoretically can generate power forever and for “free”. Cynics point out that every decade since the 1950’s fusion reactors have […]